Prevention &
Early Action


Not sure how to prevent drug or alcohol use with your teen? Or wondering what to do if you suspect or have discovered substance use? We have the science- and research-backed information to help your child stay safe and healthy – in the long term.


Act Early

Prevent Substance Abuse

The role of prevention and early action is two-fold:

1) Take action prior to the development of serious mental health issue

2) Catch mental health issues in their earliest stages to prevent long-term consequences

Through prevention and early actions, we increase resiliency and interpersonal connections along with positively impacting the overall health and well-being of individuals and their community.

Research shows that half of all mental disorders start by 14 years of age and are usually preceded by non-specific psychosocial disturbances that could potentially evolve into a major mental disorder. While some action has been taken to implement support services dedicated to young people, mental health needs are still largely unmet. This urges a redesign for drug prevention services that must include education and early action.

Understand the
Signs of Use

The best way to prevent substance abuse in your home is to be aware of the warning signs.



Understanding the dangerous effects that drugs and alcohol can have on your teen is essential in keeping them safe.


12 Things Parents Can Do

As a parent in this situation, you may feel scared or overwhelmed about exactly how you can support your teen. We’re here to offer you a helping hand.